How can I help GV Pilot the Future?
1. Sign up to be a Table Captain: as a table captain you would be responsible for filling one table at the auction. A full table includes you + 9 family, friends, or co-workers. Email us to sign up or get more information.
2. Procure Wine: if you have connections with a winery that could donate wine for consumption during dinner, please let us know. We are also always looking for bottle donations for inclusion in the ever popular paper airplane wine toss. Email us to share your connections or donate wine.
3. Donate an Auction Item: big-ticket items for the live auction are still needed. Do you have a vacation home you could loan out for a weekend or a week? Or a sail boat that could host a small group of people for wine tasting and appetizers? What about special access to Seattle area events (Mariner's games, Sounder's games, theater tickets)? Can your company offer a highly-valued service? Send us an email, and don't forget to complete our online form.
4. Volunteer: we are looking for youth and adult volunteers for day-of assistance at the auction. If you would like to volunteer, view our Volunteer Event Calendar and sign up online for a shift of your choosing.
5. Buy a Ticket! ...before April 16th to get the early bird price of $125. Prices will increase to $150 a ticket on April 17th. Buy tickets here, today.